Fr. Michael Gillis
Aug 24, 20193 min read
The Messiah of Peace Through War
I watched the movie Dune yesterday. I had seen it many years ago and read the novel, but I had forgotten the plot. It is the story of a mess
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Fr. Michael Gillis
May 16, 20197 min read
Some Thoughts On Anger
If I were to venture a guess as to the most commonly confessed passion that I hear in confessions, I would say that it is anger. Just about
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Andrew Klager
Dec 26, 20182 min read
“Bethlehem has opened Eden: come, let us see”
“Bethlehem has opened Eden: come, let us see.” (Orthodox Kontakion of the Nativity) After his brief historiographical preamble, St. Luke beg
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Andrew Klager
Mar 22, 20182 min read
Being Intentional about Our Starting Point for Informing Christian Behaviour
Christians are often just as uninspiring and predictable as anyone else around them. They look and sound like everyone else. But where there
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Stephen Backhouse
Sep 29, 20173 min read
Explaining Away Jesus' Nonviolence
The second I read the essay title I knew what was going to happen. In my job as a theological educator I mark a LOT of essays. I have grown
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Rob Grayson
Aug 28, 20172 min read
What if Jesus really meant it when he said “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”? What if the church was never meant to..
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